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Thread: 2017 NZDAC FAQ and General Information

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  Topic: 2017 NZDAC FAQ and General Information
Posted By: SiteAdmin     Sat 1st Jul 2017, 3:41pmReport Post
Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) will be listed here.

If you have a question about the 2017 NZDAC, you can also ask that here.


Posted By: jonahpup     Tue 15th Aug 2017, 7:03pmReport Post
How do we enter fly?

Posted By: MrsSiteAdmin     Tue 15th Aug 2017, 7:27pmReport Post
Flygility- entry form is up in the files section. Please note that ShowSec are not taking these entries, they need to be sent to Shaneka Kelly separately.
Interzone team event for the Ian Gray Trophy
8am racing starts
Int/sen level course (to accommodate everyone)
Unlimited entries from each zone
Ribbons/Prizes for Winner, Runner Up and Semi Finalist

Posted By: jmpnk9     Tue 26th Sep 2017, 6:20amReport Post
I have two friends with a self contained motorhome who would like to come and watch at NZDAC for a few days. Are they able to camp on the ground? They are happy to pay a camping fee.


Posted By: Christine     Sat 30th Sep 2017, 10:34amReport Post
who are the measures at NZDAC do we need to book prior? f so what are the contact numbers please? thanks Chris

Posted By: SiteAdmin     Sat 30th Sep 2017, 10:42amReport Post
The measurers are listed on the event page, you can contact them via the sites contact page.

Posted By: SiteAdmin     Sat 30th Sep 2017, 10:45amReport Post
jmpnk9 you will need to email to ask that question, as camping is allocated, I doubt it will be possible though.

Posted By: Sagopud     Tue 24th Oct 2017, 10:59amReport Post
Refund - not sure where to apply for a camping refund.We cancelled our camp site ($70.00) and instead booked a day tent site (25.00.) Would like a refund of the difference but not sure where to apply?

Many thanks for the awesome job that you have done over the past months - tremendous effort THANK YOU!

Posted By: MrsSiteAdmin     Tue 24th Oct 2017, 3:36pmReport Post
Hi, all camping requests are dealt with by Joanne Dale at

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